Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Why this blog?

Hello everyone.

Next week or so, my new motorcicle will be delivered. It will be a Yamaha WR125R in black & white.

There are a couple reasons, why I made this blog:

1. It is to help all of you, who are in the market for a 125 cm³ bike and who are interested in the Yamaha WR 125 R - enduro or the X - supermoto version . Just so you can get a better overview of the bike, - what it can do or what it can not do.

2. The second big reason for me is, that I want to improve my Englisch speaking and writing, which I never really learned at school. And I can only get better, if I use it more often. But since I live in Germany, there is nobody for me to talk to in this language. So it will help a lot if I write a little bit on a regular basis.

I am curious, how this little project will develope in the future... I hope this will help some of you and that you are going to enjoy reading this blog.

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