Yesterday I screwed my license plate on and did my first 50 km on the WR125 R. My initial impressions:
Awesome!! This is the first time, I was driving a 125 ccm bike and really didn't know, what to expect. It feels very light and extremely well controllable on the road, compared to what I was accustomed to (XT660R, MZ Baghira, which are also not the heaviest out there). And although the bike is still in the run-in phase and I can not drive it with the throttle full open yet, it has an adequate acceleration up until about 70 km/h. So when the run in phase is over, I guess, accelleration to 100 will be on par with most small cars, which is enough for my applications and the roads, I will primarily use it for. Thanks Yamaha - great job.
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