Samstag, 2. April 2011

Why I did not buy a "big" bike

The main reason for the purchase of a WR125 instead of a bigger motorcicle for me was money. Of cause I would have prefered something "bigger", like a Yamaha WR 250 R, or a Husqvarna TE 630. But the WR250 would cost 2500,- EUR more and the TE630 even 4000,- more than the WR125 and I can not afford that much at the moment.
Also I didn't want to go with a used bike again since I needed something that was 99,9 % dependable for my dayly way to work.

The WR125 is just what I needed. Affordable, reliable, capable enough for light off road use, cheap in taxes and assurance fee. At least I hope it will be. But we'll see soon enough. The dealer said, it will be shipped to me on monday, so I hope it will be delivered till next friday... Can't wait to be mobile again!

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