Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

First 1000 km

Last week I reached the first 1000 kilometers without any problems. The bike went to the first inspection, oil and oil filter were replaced. Still very pleased with the motorcicle.

Freitag, 15. April 2011

First Impressions

Yesterday I screwed my license plate on and did my first 50 km on the WR125 R. My initial impressions:
Awesome!! This is the first time, I was driving a 125 ccm bike and really didn't know, what to expect. It feels very light and extremely well controllable on the road, compared to what I was accustomed to (XT660R, MZ Baghira, which are also not the heaviest out there). And although the bike is still in the run-in phase and I can not drive it with the throttle full open yet, it has an adequate acceleration up until about 70 km/h. So when the run in phase is over, I guess, accelleration to 100 will be on par with most small cars, which is enough for my applications and the roads, I will primarily use it for. Thanks Yamaha - great job.

Mittwoch, 13. April 2011


On Wednesday morning the WR125 got delivered right to my doorstep. Today I'm gonna license the bike and if the weather is good and if I have time, I'll do my first little tour and make some photos. So till later...

Samstag, 2. April 2011

Why I did not buy a "big" bike

The main reason for the purchase of a WR125 instead of a bigger motorcicle for me was money. Of cause I would have prefered something "bigger", like a Yamaha WR 250 R, or a Husqvarna TE 630. But the WR250 would cost 2500,- EUR more and the TE630 even 4000,- more than the WR125 and I can not afford that much at the moment.
Also I didn't want to go with a used bike again since I needed something that was 99,9 % dependable for my dayly way to work.

The WR125 is just what I needed. Affordable, reliable, capable enough for light off road use, cheap in taxes and assurance fee. At least I hope it will be. But we'll see soon enough. The dealer said, it will be shipped to me on monday, so I hope it will be delivered till next friday... Can't wait to be mobile again!

Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

My old Horses...

Many years before my WR125, I had a Yamaha XT660R, which was my first motorcicle. I really liked it a lot, but not long after had to sell the good thing due to finacial shortcomings. 
Then, in 2008 I bought myself a used bike - A MZ Baghira, a single cylinder 660 ccm Supermoto. The Baghira was made by former East German Company MuZ. They made many great motorcycles, but the company went bancrupt and for now they apparently stopped production of all big motorcicles.

This was my XT 660 R:

                                And this was my MuZ Baghira: 

Why this blog?

Hello everyone.

Next week or so, my new motorcicle will be delivered. It will be a Yamaha WR125R in black & white.

There are a couple reasons, why I made this blog:

1. It is to help all of you, who are in the market for a 125 cm³ bike and who are interested in the Yamaha WR 125 R - enduro or the X - supermoto version . Just so you can get a better overview of the bike, - what it can do or what it can not do.

2. The second big reason for me is, that I want to improve my Englisch speaking and writing, which I never really learned at school. And I can only get better, if I use it more often. But since I live in Germany, there is nobody for me to talk to in this language. So it will help a lot if I write a little bit on a regular basis.

I am curious, how this little project will develope in the future... I hope this will help some of you and that you are going to enjoy reading this blog.